東京湾に現れた驚異の「紡錘形UFO」を激写! ダークグレイ金属質の不思議な形状に驚愕・徹底検証!

東京湾に現れた驚異の「紡錘形UFO」を激写! ダークグレイ金属質の不思議な形状に驚愕・徹底検証!の画像14


東京湾に現れた驚異の「紡錘形UFO」を激写! ダークグレイ金属質の不思議な形状に驚愕・徹底検証!の画像15






Title: Mysteriously shaped UFO
Abstract: Unidentified flying object of spindle shape that appeared in Tokyo Bay
SID – 1 of the space phenomenon observation center which captured various mysterious things captured the startling image.
SID – 1 is a so – called automatic observation and photographing device robot that can sense continuous movement when it detects something if there is something movement in the atmosphere or the air

What we introduce this time is surprisingly unique shape. An object like a dark gray spindle shape which reversed the raindrops flew over the Tokyo bay.
As usual, part of the image taken by SID – 1 is released at the
Space Phenomena Observatory Center (SPOC)
Updated from time to time. Some have also been released on YouTube.
Apply image processing and try to make it clearer.

It is a spindle shape with clean raindrops reversed. It looks like there is color, gloss and smoothness like some kind of metal.
See movie here,
Besides objects, neither feathers, feet, wings, propellers nor any other mechanical parts are recognized. It seems that it is not natural clouds, helicopters, birds or insects.
It is not a balloon either. It is not like a radio sonde. You can not recognize things like thongs or throwing something at the bottom. It’s not like that of the wind. The wind direction at that time is different. It is also different from an airship.
On that same day, at the same time, from the same point of observation point in the same direction, UFO direction confirmed the flight record of the aircraft group over the air in a considerable extensive range, but any aircraft, helicopter or light airplane in the direction and position conforming to this UFO Does not exist.
There are no compositing or editing on images or objects, this is not a processed fake image.
There is no possibility of lens flare. We compared images with a large amount of IFO (confirmed flying object) database stored in the Space Promotion Observation Center to compare images and searched for the possibility of artifacts but none were similar.
Also, I searched the net for similar images, but there were no similar images.

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Space Phenomena Observatory Center(SPOC) 宇宙現象観測所センター


※ 本記事の内容を無断で転載・動画化し、YouTubeやブログなどにアップロードすることを固く禁じます。


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